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Barak writes about American Politics, Israel, and World Jewry and has been featured in The Jerusalem Post, Times of Israel, The Forward, Ynet, Davar News, Israel HaYom, and more. 

We must start thinking about how Israel remains a vital ally for all Americans.

Israel’s amazing achievement was not exceptional at all, even though it certainly felt that way. It was a normal achievement by all standards, and that’s what’s truly amazing.

The Golden Age of American Muslims is Starting - Jerusalem Post, June 30, 2024

In recent years, we’ve been seeing a crawling acceptance of Muslim and Arab identity in American politics and culture.

American college students are channeling genuine domestic political frustration into blaming Israel.

Israel needs to rehabilitate its infrastructure on a national scale while simultaneously addressing the multifaceted needs of evacuated citizens, the wounded, trauma victims, and uprooted families.

As a student at Harvard, I know that the majority is not against us. There is indeed a vocal and violent minority, but we must not fall into the narrative of "everyone is against us" and "everyone is antisemitic." Especially in such a difficult moment, we must remember our ability, both Israelis and American Jews, to recruit partners for our cause.

While it is essential to press universities to condemn any antisemitic activity and ensure a safe space for Jewish and Israeli students, it doesn’t mean we are incapable of addressing opposing views.

Israel’s war with Hamas, more than any other conflict, exposes tensions that the West would prefer to sweep under the rug.

University presidents are not the guardians of American democracy. They are bureaucrats appointed to maintain their endowments.

The hesitation of Harvard, Penn, and MIT's leadership is rooted in a federal investigation, ignorance, financial interests, and progressive ideology. It's yet another American left-right debate where Jews will end up paying the price.

Harvard's failure to unequivocally condemn the terrorist group signals a broader moral crisis in elite American universities. But this could also be the opportunity to make bold decisions to prevent their total descent into irrelevance.

The meeting with Musk, who led an antisemitic campaign against a Jewish organization, is a slap in the face to the American Jewish community from the leader of the Jewish state. Despite Netanyahu's criticism of Lapid, both have erred in downplaying the uniqueness of antisemitism.

A conservative anthem is taking America by storm: An obscure singer from rural Virginia has been propelled to stardom overnight, capturing conservative American hearts with a populist song that decries the way DC bureaucrats are taking Americans' hard-earned money and ignoring their concerns.

US dems can be be model for Israelis - Jerusalem Post, August 7, 2023

Biden will not save Israeli democracy, but Democrats can teach us how to do it ourselves.

A Turning Point in US-Israel Relations: How the JFNA General Assembly in Israel highlighted deepening divisions and sparked a new era of dialogue.

How Israel can evolve into a unique Middle Eastern Democracy by balancing tradition, innovation, and regional realities.

What can Israeli and American Jews build together? - Times of Israel, February 28, 2023

How Israeli and American Jews can strengthen their connection, embrace shared values, and address global challenges together

Israel's internal democratic struggles reverberate across the global Jewish community, sparking critical reflections on identity and unity.

How did a radical trade unionist and social critic become the darling of neoliberal America? A forgotten history of the labor unions in the struggle to recognize Martin Luther King’s legacy.

For the first time in years, the name "Israel" was not mentioned at the event with the Jewish community. The reason: Israel has become a divisive rather than a unifying factor among Jews. Biden chose not to provoke controversy.


President Biden's visit and Ben & Jerry's lifting of their boycott demonstrate that concerns over the BDS movement are exaggerated. Rather than engaging in campaigns doomed to fail, Israel needs political, economic, and cultural initiatives that highlight the benefits of collaboration with the country.

Kanye West's recent antisemitic remarks, as well the support of Brooklyn Nets player Kyrie Irving for an antisemitic documentary, have caused a storm in the media, sparking both condemnation and support. However, antisemitism in the Black community has much deeper roots.

Republicans can win legally and "ideologically," but face political backlash. Democrats will unite, young people will reconsider their views, and the public will resent interference in their lives.

This class, which once enjoyed dominance, has shifted its support from Democrats to Republicans and is struggling for power and influence. The crisis worsened after Trump's loss and will significantly impact the upcoming midterm elections.

The Jewish establishment was quick to help hundreds of thousands of Jewish refugees in Europe, while younger organizations found it difficult to respond effectively. The lack of response on their part to the war in Ukraine could lead to a future leadership crisis in the Jewish community.

On the surface, it's just a new Marvel series about "Moon Knight," the son of a rabbi from Chicago who became a superhero fighting crime. However, behind it lies a phenomenon that involves erasing and blurring the Jewish identity that was so significant in the development of comics.

Whoopi Goldberg's statement is another anecdote in the complex history of Black-Jewish relations in America and a troubling symptom of identity politics in the U.S. It represents a competition over victim status and accusations of aligning with the oppressive white establishment.

The attempted attack on a synagogue in Texas and the responses to it reveal new ways in which Jew-hatred is expressed in the world's greatest superpower.

A sense of guilt, tikkun olam and a love for bagels: clues to uncover the Jewish identity of Spider-Man.

The traditional presidential event has shifted over recent decades from Obama's universal messages to Trump's commitment to Israel. Biden chose to focus on internal challenges: addressing political polarization, social diversity, and combating antisemitism within the United States.

In a meeting with Jewish Federation leaders, the Prime Minister said Israel no longer needs donations and that the relationship must be "replanned." Bennett ignores the real needs that American donations fulfill and doesn't understand the profound change required.

American Zionism has Almost Disappeared - Davar, September 11, 2021

Violence between Israel and Hamas over the summer heightened anti-Israel trends on the Jewish-American left. Israel must act before alienation from the Jewish State becomes a strategic danger.

The charm of the neighborhood that we thought had disappeared from our lives is now returning with a new spirit. This time, it's not just for the atmosphere, but a real need that is urgently emerging from the ground and is more necessary than ever.

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